Class Exams/Assessments/Testing
Attach an unlimited number of exams to each class. Each exam can have a customized type and optionally track user-defined metrics for each type. You can schedule exams in classroom or set different locations and dates/times.
RollCall supports customizable Exam records and tracking. It also allows you to turn off exams, if they're not part of your business.
RollCall is unique in the amount of flexibility built into the exam definition area. The Exams area can as easily track "Fitness Evaluations" as it can a traditional grade on a term paper.
Whether an exam is recorded on the web or in the office, percentage scores update automatically for each student. Percentages and the detail display on the web portals as well as the administration windows and for reporting.
Exam types are set up generically for the entire business, then assigned one or more times to a specific class.

Exams are attached to each class. You can have as many different exams of as many different types as you need for recording results. If this exam is scored through and LMS system such as Moodle, you enter the LMS identifier on this list. Exam dates appear on student, class and instructor calendars.

The class' instructor sets a final grade, score or assignment of pass/fail for the exam based on the results for the individual criteria. When the total score is entered, the exam's results are summarized for the student for the class and shown on the Registration record in the Student and Class Maintenance windows. This is one of the windows used to enter exam results in RollCall

The student web page displays class exam results.