Record information for your classes including schedule, exposure on the web, instructor associations, credit/hour value, degree program setup, syllabus and more.
The class maintenance window shows all the tracking attributes for a class - the basic academic unit for a school. RollCall manages different types of classes, different delivery methods (on-line or classroom), different grading profiles, web display and instructor relationships. The schedule is used to display classes on calendars and also to check for conflicts for students. The class type and grade type determine how results for the class get recorded

Setup class schedules by a recurring schedule or a manual schedule and combine the two methods together. Manual sessions can have different instructors, locations and hours. You can record attendance for a single session or multiple attendance periods per day.
Setup an unlimited number of exam types and associate an unlimited number of exams with each class. Record hours or scores (or both) for each exam.

Class setup information specifies connection to a learning management system. For Moodle, the idnumber for the class is associated with the specific instance of the class and is used for transferring final results. Class exams specify the gradable item for transferring grades.