certificate, diploma, degree and license granting schools
RollCall contains processing for tracking degree granting programs, accreditation statistics, relationships with outside sponsoring organizations, invoicing, student progress alerts and marketing to prospective students. RollCall provides seamless integration with Moodle, automatically tansferring course enrolments, grades and login history for CRM reporting. RollCall lets you combine distance learning and classroom content in any combination that suits your school from a few on-line quizzes to a completely on-line experience. RollCall is a comprehensive school administration application; it is designed to be installed and maintained using minimal on-site technical resources. It incorporates back-office software with real-time updating from/to web portals for students, instructors, prospects, registration, and affiliated organizations.
RollCall customers include vocational schools, colleges, community colleges, continuing education and professional schools, ESL organizations, workforce training, educational programs associated with hospitals, churches and corporations, secondary, post-secondary, non-profit and proprietary schools.

A majority of schools selecting RollCall are either new start-ups or are switching from a home grown 'system' that is a combination of Access/Excel/Word documents (and sticky notes!). A smaller percentage of RollCall users have outgrown their current commercial system, their current commercial system costs too much or they originally installed a K-12 application that doesn't match their current needs.
The start-up companies need administration software in order to get accreditation and cost effectively develop a professional image to attract excellent students/instructors. Schools switching from a home-grown system have outgrown their spreadsheets, lost their system designer, can't implement new processing or have limited support for their system.
If you're a school serving adults, the popular K-12 administration packages don't solve the data recording issues you face. Applications designed for large schools quickly outspend available budgets. You have the option to make your own system from Excel or Access, but anyone who has taken that step will admit to the unexpected costs, extra time and how quickly limitations pop up.
If any of these statement make you nod in agreement - RollCall is your solution.